Director of Affordable Housing

Jonathan spent 17 years in leadership roles with the State of Utah in community and workforce development, with the most recent five as the Division Director for Housing and Community Development. This included managing the Private Activity Bond Authority, State’s Community Development Block Grant and Permanent Community Impact Fund. His work involved managing compliance and oversight of 2000+ grants and loans with a combined portfolio of $1 Billion and executed contracts or actively collaborated with every county in the State of Utah, the majority of Utah cities and towns and maintained agreements and relationships with federal partners like the U.S. Treasury, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Surface and Transportation Board and Department of Energy.

In addition to these core duties, he served as a Trustee for Utah Housing Corporation with specific service on the Multi-family Committee of the Board, a Commissioner for the Commission on Housing Affordability, Vice-Chair of the State Homeless Coordinating Committee and Chair of the Permanent Community Impact Fund Board.

Now in the private sector, Jonathan is focused on accelerating the creation of affordable housing across a variety of income spectrums to help Utah meet its needs for workforce and communities.

Jonathan is a graduate of the University of Utah.